RESHAPE Scientific Meeting January 28, 2025 at 12h30

RESHAPE Scientific Meeting January 28, 2025 at 12h30

Bringing together scientific evidence and the needs of users or stakeholders : what methods to mobilize ?

Summary: The development of participatory research, as well as current French news on the use of evidence, questions the way in which researchers integrate into their interventional research projects, both evidence from scientific literature, as well as the needs of users and professional actors, in order to propose solutions that are both feasible and robust. To illustrate these questions, two examples will be presented based on research and development projects, the creation of the PROSCeSS intervention theory (Health Promotion within sports clubs).

Speaker : Aurélie VAN HOYE

Professeure-Faculté des Sciences du Sport

UMR1319 INSPIIRE-Université de Lorraine


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