Reshape | Muhammad RIEDHA
RIEDHA Muhammad

RIEDHA Muhammad

Doctorant, RESHAPE – SHARE-CTD Researcher – B.MedSci MD MSc Contact :


- Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Research on Healthcare Performance (RESHAPE), Inserm U1290

- Hospices Civils de Lyon, Pôle de Santé Publique, recherche épidémiologique clinique

Axe de recherche

Title of thesis : Towards Understanding and accepting data sharing within patients

Year of registration : Octobre 2024

Director : Evelyne Decullier

Summary of the thesis : The project aims to uncover the cultural, ethical, and practical factors that shape attitudes toward data sharing, thereby informing the development of universally acceptable practices and guidelines that can strengthen patient trust and increase the practice of data sharing

- Clinical trial data-sharing

- Public Health Research


After completing his master’s degree, Riedha has worked extensively in the realm of public health, humanitarian and life sciences ranging from national to International exposures. He has served as a Global Health Consultant for the Indonesian Ministry of Health’s role in the G20 and ASEAN. Besides that, he spent years as a Life Sciences and Humanitarian Assistance Project Manager. Before that, he was an associate researcher in maternal, and neonatal health, community nutrition and interprofessional education.

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